Why Should You Strengthen Your Core Muscles with Core Exercise

By Yoactiv
25 Nov 2022
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strengthen your core muscles with core exercise

What's Core Exercise

Working the core muscles is much more than working on just 6-pack abs. While most people employ cardiovascular exercises to burn the fat in your stomach area, it is the core exercises that strengthen and tone the muscles around your stomach. And these strong core muscles help you as an athlete to last longer on the field. Weak core muscles lead to poor posture, fatigue, and less endurance and make you more prone to injuries. 


But before you indulge in core exercises, here are some things you must ask: 


  1. What are the core muscles?
  2. Why Should You Strengthen Your Core Muscles with Core Exercise? 
  3. How to do safe core training exercises? 


What are the Core Muscles?

Basically, your core is the central part of your body. The main objective of core exercises is to train the muscles in the central part of your body to work in harmony as it leads to improved stability, balance and steadiness. Even if you are not into sports, stability is important and if you play a sport, then stable core muscles help you. 


Most people associate a six-pack with the core but it is part of the abs or abdomen which is part of the core. The corset muscle or transversus abdominis is also another abdominal muscle that sits horizontally around your abdomen and is involved in spine stabilization. 


This is located along the sides of the body. The internal and external obliques play a pivotal role in protecting and rotating the spine. 


The deep abdominal muscle located in the lower back that extends from the lowest rib to the top of the pelvis is what forms the back of the core. 

Pelvic floor

This area is also part of the core muscle group and includes the urethra, bladder, intestines, rectum, uterus, cervix and vagina. 


The muscles in your backside that affect hip rotation and extension are part of the glutes. 


Though you know it as the muscle associated with breathing, it is part of the core. 


Why Should You Strengthen Your Core Muscles with Core Exercise For Your Own Good

  • Stabilize the lower back As you age, your core starts to weaken and hence most elderly people especially those who are overweight have back pain issues. It’s seen more in elderly women as due to hormonal changes after menopause, the core muscle quality deteriorates. It is best to begin exercising and strengthening your core muscles at an early age to improve balance and restore physical performance. 
  • Improved flexibility Core exercises help in improving movement control and posture reaction. It also keeps you agile and helps you maintain balance, especially in cases of falls or injuries. 
  • Improved posture With today’s lifestyle, we constantly look down at our phones or computers and have a sedentary lifestyle. This affects our posture, neck, shoulder, and back. Exercising your core muscles improves posture over time. 
  • Improves exercise form Just as core exercises improve our posture, it helps our workout form as well. Do planks as core exercise as it strengthens your body from head to toe. 
  • Improves stability Stability is not just about walking or preventing falls but also climbing stairs, holding or carrying heavy objects and maintaining balance as you grow older. 
  • Makes everyday movement easier Exercising the core muscles helps us in everyday movements such as bending, lifting and turning. 
  • Supports strength training exercises A solid core is a good foundation for the rest of the body. Hence, it helps in not just daily activities but also strength training exercises. 
  • Makes running easierA strong core helps you improve static balance, endurance and stamina and hence helps you in running with better speed and respiration. 


How to do safe core training exercises? 

You can use a mat or perform core exercises on a carpeted floor. Breathe deeply during each rep focussing on tightening your abs. 


Add core exercises to your regime this way


  • Start twice a week with basic exercises. As you can do a full set of reps easily, move to a more advanced set. 
  • You can add core work during the day as well. You can take a break and do stretches any time of the day. 
  • You may also begin by adding 2-3 extra core exercises to your regime along with other strength training. After some time, you can separately do core exercises on your cardio days. 


Points to keep in mind when doing core exercises

  • Warm-up. If you are beginning with core exercises, do a basic warm-up for a few minutes. You can swing your arms, and legs or even dance a little. But in case you are doing it after a cardio session, you are already warmed up. 
  • Focus on form first. Even before you can reach the ideal reps, work towards getting the right form. 
  • Reps come second. You must do only as many reps as you can manage with perfect form. Focus on completing the reps gradually. The moment you realise you can do a full set, add another set. 
  • Ensure you don’t feel any pain. The moment you feel any pain – whether, in your abs or back, you must stop. Check with your instructor if your form is fine before proceeding.  
  • Practice more often. As you begin to perfect these core exercises you can move up to three times in a week from just twice a week. 
  • Move beyond just abs. Most people are working towards a six-pack but if you don’t work your back as well, you won’t strengthen your core and get the real benefits of these exercises. 
  • Stretch along with core exercises. Being flexible is as important as having a strong core. It endows you with smooth and powerful moves. 
  • Begin with a stable surface. Though a stability ball is a great core workout you must begin with a flat surface and exercises like lunges, bridges and planks. Once you have mastered the flat surface, move to unstable surfaces. 
  • Listen to your body. If an exercise is too hard, either lower the reps or do the easier version. If an exercise is too easy, add more reps or weight. 
  • Focus on nutrition. Have foods that are real and nutritious like lean meats, fruits and vegetables. Choose brown over white grains. Understand portions and know how much protein and carbs each food group has. Try and have a balanced meal instead of just a high-protein meal as your body will get the essential vitamins and nutrients. 


There are many fitness studios and gyms near you that offer excellent trainers for core exercises.



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